January 30


On April 1, 1931 a girl named Jackie Mitchell was on a baseball field. She was a 17 year old girl, and she was on the towns team Chattanooga. She was the was pitcher and was on the mound. The first pitch went to Babe Ruth on the Yankee’s. She took the first throw and STRIKE one, then strike two, and then strike three. The crowd went wild! She also did the same thing with Lou Gehrig! It was amazing to see a person with a talent like that. I hope to see people like that again.

January 22

The Stamp Act

Today in class we did a little project, it was a react on the Stamp Act.We had cups of mints and tax people.The tax people would go around and say ” if you have brown hair you owe one mint.” Also if you had a different color hair you would not have to pay.In this this project I learned that it would be hard for the people that had to pay the taxes, and not have money to pay for cloths and food.I think everyone is glad that the Stamp Act is over.

January 7

2014 and 2015


In 2014 I was sad, because my
grandpa past away for something he got
in a war. For something that big to happen
I’ll never forget.


For 2015 I have a goal to set for
the year, it is straight A’s, do better in
school, and to be better at home. This year is
going to be AWESOME.