January 26

Number the Stars Dairy Entry

Dear Diary,


Today I was running with my best friend Ellen. She was whining because she said that she not fast and I always beat her, but with her agreeing

we were running to our houses the short way.Found We my sister found trotting to catch up with us. soon after we were stop by nazi policemen.


I guess they were furious because they talked in a evil tone. They said “why are you running” I said “I was racing with my friend”. When I was done talking I could hear ellen breathing heavily. The policemen kept on talking to us until

kisti came my young sister.


When was going ok my had to mess up everything.

Then the tall policeman  patted her hair and she wacked

his hand away, after that I was scared to death that she may be taken away.

For thank heavens she didn’t because he it was child’s play. He soon told us to

hit the books and to not run.


Next time hoping to be better, Annemarie.


January 6

Christmas Eve


People with joy,

while eating captain crunch and yelling oh, hoy,


Putting on a nice vest

my hair looking like a pest


Onward  to grandma’s house,

as we walk in with her wearing a nice blouse


Stuffed as a turkey

overjoyed and quirky


That christmas is near

and there will be a new year


with candy,  presents

and also with parents


so with that said

I will go to bed



Screenshot 2016-01-05 at 1.24.02 PM